Thursday 20 October 2011

Filming Preparation

Due to work and holiday commitments our filming is yet to have been done however we have assigned tomorrow, Friday 21st October, as our main filming day where we can get as much of the filming done as possible. We will have the whole day to work on this. In order for tomorrow to run smoothly we have taken necessary actions to make sure the locations, props and actors are all going to be readily available. So far, it is looking positive and everything seems to be in order.

We will be using our shooting list to make sure filming is as straight forward as it needs to be and there is no unneeded interferences. We have also booked out a video camera to make our filming possible and have borrowed a tripod to allow us to use it effectively. We have got lighting sorted to an extent- we obviously have no professional lighting or spotlights but we will be filming most (if not all) in the middle of the day where hopefully the sun should be shining and also have chosen well lit rooms to complete filming as well as having lamps etc at the ready to increase lighting where we may require it.

Preparation work already completed includes the many beaches (drawings for our stop/start choruses) to have been drawn and coloured by myself. They will be ready for photo’s to be stuck down and to be filmed. The photographs for these shots will also hopefully be completed tomorrow although the filming of these may not as they are the easiest to complete without actors so me and Izzy would easily be able to arrange another date if time is running short.

Hopefully tomorrow should go well but we will keep you updated.

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