Thursday 8 September 2011

25 Word Pitch

For our 25 Word pitch we decided to put these 25 words into an animoto PowerPoint. We know that 25 words is literally a few sentences so we thought it was best just to get our key points into the presentation then let the audience ask any questions they have afterwards.
As this is our first pitch it was inevitable that we had to introduce our band name, and the chosen song we are doing. We tried to keep the words as simple as possible and only getting the bare necessities in as we are tight on words.
We also decided that it would be best to emphasise our points by using pictures, such as album artwork and videos that we are inspired by.
The album artwork that we find most attractive is the bright, vivid, abstract album covers which predominantly come from indie/alternative bands; which is the genre we are doing. We learnt from looking at album covers that it can completely be disjunctive yet still be appealing to the target audience.
The music videos we looked at had a wide variety of elements that we could have took inspiration from. The ones we instantly wanted to use in our video was visual lyrics, and stop start animation. Videos that include the visual lyrics that we liked were Coldplay - Every Teardrop is a Waterfall and Kanye West- All of the Lights. Although both of those videos are completely different we feel that we could take inspiration from both.
We obviously couldnt put all this into the pitch so we decided to print-screen the videos that we liked the most so we could demonstrate to our audience where we got our inspiration from.
Here are our 25 words that we put into our pitch;
Introducing Cheap Kicks. Chosen song - Plage. Inspiring album covers. Genre; indie /alternative. Inspiring videos. Visual lyrics. Stop Start Animation. Colourful. Indie Style. Our basic ideas.

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